lambda nordica är en sakkunniggranskad vetenskaplig tidskrift för LHBTQ-studier som publiceras både open access och i tryckt form. Tidskriften är den äldsta i Norden som fokuserar på tvärvetenskaplig forskning med anknytning till lesbiska/homo/bi/trans och queerstudier.
Vol 19 Nr 2 (2014): Queeraktivism i SydEuropa
La primera revolucíon es la supervivencia, or ”the first revolution is survival,” is a sentence from the (first) Spanish queer group, La Radical Gai, which was founded in 1991 in Madrid and was very active throughout the decade. More than twenty years later, we claim the same. We, unhappily, share the activists’ anger (and also many ideas) that motivated their emergence and protest in the streets in the context of the AIDS crisis. The guest editorors of this special issue are interested in analyzing social mobilizations and resistances enacted by queer and feminist groups in this very unfriendly context. The contours of what is generally described as LGBTIQ politics in Southern Europe present significant theoretical and political challenges to anyone interested in a range of topics, including social movements’ experiences and outcomes, sexual citizenship, and intimate life. One thing remains clear – there are no linear accounts, in the same way as there are no single-issue demands or strategies.