Below are a few related journals – both scientific and of general interest – aimed at gender, LGBT and queer studies:
- Blikk, primarily in Norwegian
- GLQ, offering queer perspectives on all issues touching on sex and sexuality
- interalia: a journal of queer studies, a Poland-based, open-access, scholarly journal in queer studies, publishing in English, Spanish, and Polish
- Journal of Homosexuality, devoted to publishing a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship to foster a thorough understanding of the complexities, nuances, and the multifaceted aspects of sexuality and gender
- Journal of Lesbian Studies, examining the cultural, historical, and interpersonal impact of the lesbian experience on society
- Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, primarily in Danish
- NORA (Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research), an interdisciplinary journal of gender and women’s studies and a conduit for high-quality research from, and across, all disciplines
- Sexualities, publishing articles, reviews and scholarly comment on the shifting nature of human sexualities
- SQS (SQS: Journal for Queer Studies in Finland), trilingual, peer-reviewed journal edited by the Society for Queer Studies in Finland
- Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (former Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift), primarily in Swedish
- Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, primarily in Norwegian
lambda nordica also recommends the following seminars:
- Queer Research Group (Skeiv Forskningsgruppe) at the University of Stavanger
- Queer Seminar at Stockholms University
- Queer Seminar at Uppsala University
We will be glad to hear about other interesting sites that you know. Also, if you notice that one of the links is not working, please drop a line to our web editor.
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