Vol. 25 No. 2 (2020): Open issue

LAMBDA NORDICA no. 2 2020 is an open issue that spans a wide range of subjects, with research articles on such different topics as the examination of homonormativity, homonationalism and homocolonialism in queer struggles (Katharina Kehl), the naturalization of gender classification as an instrument for the state to manage populations (T. Odland), and the representation of female masculinity in action narratives and science fiction (Anna Bark Persson). The issue also offers an essay that revisits the queer, dyke and feminist interest in the Eurovision Song Contest (Tiina Rosenberg), and two We’re here texts with reflections on structural inequality through the lens of the unfolding global Covid-19 pandemic, detailing the deadly consequences of racist capitalism for queer people of colour (Di Wang) and problematizing comparisons between the Covid-19 pandemic and the HIV/AIDS pandemic (Lena Gross). Cover art by visual artist Ester Fleckner, Germany and Denmark, working from the perspective of queer epistemology.

Published: 2020-10-26
