Vol. 20 No. 1 (2015): lambda nordica 20 years

Issue number 1/2015, now in your hand or on your screen, is a special one, in that it is the first of two anniversary issues this year, the second will be an issue dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble. As the cover indicates, and just in time for Stockholm Pride, this issue celebrates the journal itself; which, depending on how we count, is either turning 20 this year or turned 25 last year (see further, Söderström, this issue). No small feat for a small journal! As with every open issue of lambda nordica,we present quite a diverse set of articles. Topically, they extend new per-spectives on some of the many themes that have characterized the field of LGBTQ studies over the years; living with HIV, Swedish lesbian let-ter archives, and the implications of Norwegian asylum law for LGBTQ claimants. 

Published: 2015-01-01