Queering Intimacies at Home

Friendship and Roommate Relations in Finnish Small-Scale Communes

  • Anna Heinonen
Keywords: essay


This essay is a Lectio Praecursoria, a short presentation given by a doctoral candidate that outlines the background and highlights the most interesting aspects of their research. It is typically delivered at the beginning of a doctoral defense at Finnish Universities.

Anna Heinonen’s doctoral dissertation – Queering Intimacies at Home: Friendship and Roommate Relations in Finnish Small-Scale Communes – was publicly defended at the University of Helsinki on August 23, 2024. The dissertation is available in the university repository: http://hdl.handle.net/10138/584335. Anna Heinonen currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland.


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How to Cite
Heinonen , A. (2024). Queering Intimacies at Home: Friendship and Roommate Relations in Finnish Small-Scale Communes. Lambda Nordica, 29(4-1), 195-205. https://doi.org/10.34041/ln.v29.985