Black queer Sweden

  • Samuel Girma
  • Juliet Atto
Keywords: we're here, black queer, europe, homo- and transphobia, sexism


The poet James Baldwin once said: “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.” This is exactly how we feel. In rage against what we see as a threat against justice for people of colour in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. Our activism and struggle against all kinds of oppressions is partly the result of our experiences and our lives as Black queer people in Sweden. We do not seek to educate white people regarding matters of racism, it is not our job. We do not seek to educate people regarding homo- and transphobia or sexism.


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How to Cite
Girma, S., & Atto, J. (2018). Black queer Sweden. Lambda Nordica, 22(2-3), 174-175. Retrieved from