Thank You Professor Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen for these years with lambda nordica


The up-coming double issue of lambda nordica, “Queering intimacies, families and companionships” (no 4/2024-1/2025), will be the last one edited by Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen as editor-in-chief. The Board and editorial team of lambda nordica wishes to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Professor Engebretsen for her diligent work throughout the years. Since 2020 Engebretsen has been a driving force in the consolidation of lambda nordica as an internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal, attracting both established queer researchers and emerging scholars from across the world. Engebretsen’s engagement with the frontiers of queer and LGBTQ studies has been vital in the expansion of the scope of the journal and its function as a platform for community building within and outside of academia. The Board of lambda nordica is happy to announce that, from the next issue, no 2/2025, Dr. Katarina Kehl joins Erika Alm as editor-in-chief. A longer introduction of Kehl will follow as the first issue under their editorship appears.