Note from the editors
It is that time of the year, winter is coming, the new year is in sight, and we gather to reckon with the past year. It is almost to the date a full year since the first issue under our editorship was published, and we would therefore like to take the opportunity to reminisce and look ahead.
First of all we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our lambda nordica community of guest editors, authors, peer reviewers, editorial board members, artists and readers. You have made it a delight to work with the journal, engaging with texts about revisiting homonationalism, the ecological aesthetics of intimate otherness in Swedish trans cinema, and the heteronormativity of coital imperatives, among others. The collective work of keeping critical conversations going is a lot more enjoyable and manageable when we are numerous; and numerous we are. Now we look forward to the conversations to be had about the upcoming issues of lambda nordica. Some of these, such as the one on anti-gender politics and queer theory, seems to grow more acute by the hour. We want to remind you about the timely Call for Papers, “Troubling Racism: Subversive Bodies, Subversive Desires”, with a deadline on November 11th, and the Call for Special Issues Proposals, with a deadline on December 1st. You can read about both of them under the heading “News” on lambda nordica’s webpage.
And last, but not least, it is with great pleasure we can announce the publishing of a new issue of lambda nordica: the double issue “Queering health and biomedicine”, packed with original research papers from the field that, in the words of our eminent guest editors Luna Dolezal, Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Donna McCormack, Venla Oikkonen and Margrit Shildrick, insists on the need to “explore how the paradigms not just of health but of embodiment require continual queering and renegotiation.” (Dolezal et al, 2021) Read, spread, cite!
Erika Alm and Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen