Queering Temporalities in Italian Drag King Archives

  • Michela Baldo
  • Olivia Fiorilli


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This article discusses the concept of queer archives in view of the idea of queer temporality, by making specific reference to a book that we co-edited together with Rachele Borghi, Il re nudo: Per un archivio drag king in Italia [The Naked King: Toward a Drag King Archive in Italy] (2014). The book represents a collection of photos, drawings, creative/ autobiographical/critical texts (and a reading of them by the co-editors) that were collected during the course of 2013 through a public call. The call invited people who practice, have practiced or are or were involved in any way with drag kinging to participate in the construction of a drag king archive whose goal was to testify narratives of emerging and changing drag king experiences in Italy.


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Referera så här
Baldo, M., & Fiorilli, O. (2018). Queering Temporalities in Italian Drag King Archives. Lambda Nordica, 21(3-4), 56-80. Hämtad från http://lambdanordica.org/index.php/lambdanordica/article/view/527