Self-Disclosure As a Political Strategy in Confessional Times

Review of Tobias Raun, Out Online: Trans Self-Representation and Community Building on YouTube (2016).

  • Erika Alm
Keywords: review, trans studies, youtube, Tobias Raun


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With Out Online: Trans Self-Representation and Community Building on YouTube media and trans scholar Tobias Raun contributes to the expanding field of trans studies with one of the first studies of trans vlogging (video blogging). Out Online takes its departure in what Raun describes as a broader cultural shift toward an increased trans visibility, in popular culture, mainstream media, scholarly work, and participatory media platforms like YouTube.


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How to Cite
Alm, E. (2018). Self-Disclosure As a Political Strategy in Confessional Times: Review of Tobias Raun, Out Online: Trans Self-Representation and Community Building on YouTube (2016). Lambda Nordica, 22(2-3), 189-192. Retrieved from