”Längtan efter något som man anar, men inte vet riktigt vad det är ens”

Att läsa obygd queer

  • Angelika Sjöstedt


In this article I do a queer reading of my maternal great grandmother’s own notes that she made when she was in her twenties between 1912 and 1918 when she was studying to become a teacher and worked as a teacher in a rural village in the northern inland of Sweden. The reading of my great grandmother’s texts comprises the double analytical act of questioning heteronormativity as a framework for life stories regardless of time and space, and at the same time problematizing what has become normative beliefs about how and where queer life can be lived. There has been an idealization of urban metropolises that emerged as the rooms where queer identities can be lived out. This has created a need to also question the spatial norms of queer identification. This paper contributes with a reading that adds to a feminist willful archive (Ahmed 2017) that can also open for queer readings of unexpected spaces in present time.


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How to Cite
Sjöstedt, A. (2019). ”Längtan efter något som man anar, men inte vet riktigt vad det är ens”: Att läsa obygd queer. Lambda Nordica, 24(1), 67-87. https://doi.org/10.34041/ln.v24.565